Level One – Health & Wellbeing $19 + $10 shipping


3X REMEDY-ONLY VIBRATIONAL THERAPY 25ml: Choose 3 Combination Essences @ $50 (+$10)

Choose from the selection of combination essences made from local Australian Bush Flowers, on the home menu under Choose Your Remedy. Select from the wide range of Vibrational Essences available to treat emotional, mental, physical or spiritual blockages. The newest bottle labelled 2024 is specifically designed for all the challenges that lay ahead in this energetically charged year with preparation for the big 2025!

Other popular blends that clients have been having great success with are Abundance, Ascension, Anxiety & Stress Management, Cognitive for mental clarity, Confidence, Detox, Divine Feminine, Dynamic, Emergency Essence, Heartsong, Iridology, Maturity, Meditation, Pregnancy, Radiation, Relationship, Sexuality, Solitude or the Travel essence. The Astrology bottles are also tailored to all the strengths and weaknesses and well known traits of each individual star sign. Budget conscious and priced at $19 plus a flat rate shipping fee of $10 the Level One – Health & Well-being will bring a brand new energetic frequency in three weeks.



1 x Energy Protection Kit @ $29 plus $10 shipping

2 x Energy Protection Kit @ $50 plus $10 shipping

This Energy Protection Kit includes a 25ml Australian Bush Flower Essence of your choice from the selection of combination essences on the home menu under Choose Your Remedy, along with Palo Santo for house and body clearing and a 100ml essential oil spray for frequency protection. This is a must in the toolbox for spiritual Ascension.


Level Two – Health & Wellbeing  $39 + $10 shipping


The Vibrational Essence with Consultation option includes all of Level One and is for any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual blockage that’s not been covered in one of the Combination Essences above. Level Two requires a brief 10-15 minute phone consultation to customise your selection of Vibrational Therapies. To best suit the needs of the client, based on what’s been discussed in the consultation I can choose from a selection of  72 different essences. For those needing longer and deeper consultation the Level Three- Counselling option might be more suitable.

With the Level Two consultation charged at $20 and the 25ml bottle at $19 you can have your remedy tailor-made to assist with your emotional or physical ailment. A flat rate of $10 shipping will apply. This will provide treatment for four weeks post consultation. This session would be suitable for those with a focus on:

Depression & negative energy, anxiety & stress management, emotional distress, childhood trauma,  boundaries for self-worth, cutting ties & addictions, Post-Traumatic Stress & OCD.


Level Three – Health & Wellbeing $59 + $10 shipping


The Counselling Consultation includes all of Level One and Two and is charged at $59. This 30 minute session via phone call is a longer and deeper consultation than Level Two and includes a 25ml bottle of Vibrational Therapy tailor-made to assist the layers that were cleared during the consultation. With a flat rate shipping fee of $10 this session  would be suitable for those in the Third Dimension of consciousness with a focus on:

Survival Patterns, boundaries for self-worth, detachment from toxic relationships, cutting ties & addictions, childhood trauma, family lineage, depression & negative energy, anxiety & stress management, emotional distress, Post-traumatic Stress & OCD.


Level Four – Health & Wellbeing $69 + $10 shipping


The Holistic Medicine Consultation includes all of Level One, Two and Three and is charged at $69. This 30 minutes session via phone call includes a 25ml one-month treatment with Vibrational  therapy to assist with the health conditions discussed. A flat rate shipping fee of $10 will apply. This integrative session is extremely in-depth and would be ideal for those now into a higher consciousness and in the early stages of the Fourth Dimension with a focus on:

Parasites/Candida overgrowth,  heavy metal deep-tissue detox, menstrual, hormone and fertility blockages, combatting and strengthening autoimmune, Antibody Dependant Enhancement & Chronic Fatigue, TMJ Dysfunction, Insomnia, Gut microbiome, nutrition & digestive blockages, Homeopathy, HPV & cervical cancer, brain health/NLP, Functional Pathology, vaccine injury & recovery.


Level Five – Energy Medicine – Consultation only  $69 + $10 shipping


The Level Five Ascension Coaching Consultation is a part of our Energy Medicine selection and is a pre-requisite for those wanting access to Level Six – Reiki Energy Healing. This session includes all of Level One, Two and Three for $69 and includes a 25ml one-month treatment with Vibrational Therapy to assist with Ascension symptoms. Shipping paid separately at a flat rate of $10.

This 30 minutes consultation via your choice of video call, phone call or in person if you’ve got access to our Gold Coast location, is designed for those in the higher Fourth Dimension of consciousness and needing support with Ascension symptoms and why your body might feel like it’s shutting down. We also cover Third-eye pineal gland activations, navigating different frequencies, the intensity of Dimensional Travel, Healing-crisis and Twin Flame journey/complicated relationships.

Any new client who’s never previously had their frequency adjusted through Energy Healing work requires informed consent regarding the changes about to take place post-session. At times the frequency healing can be that extreme that clients are unprepared for the life changes once their spirit body begins Ascension. I like to ensure the client gives full consent and is aware of the sensitivities, sacrifices and epic experiences that are a part of this journey. Previously the work wasn’t so extreme however it’s been powerfully upgraded for the times that we’re in and what’s incredible for some can be too much for others.


Level Six – Reiki Energy Healing $159


Comprehensive in-person Reiki Energy Healing sessions for those with access to our Gold Coast location. Best suited for those moving into a higher state of awareness between the Fourth and Fifth Dimension of consciousness. Consult is 90 minutes in duration and includes a 25ml bottle of Vibrational Essence for $159. These sessions consists of and prepares for activation of the following :   

Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, energetic and chemical imbalances. The Kinesiology-based Muscle Testing with Reiki Energy Healing will bring self-awareness of balance and perception, Chakra and Meridian balance, cleansing negative energy, Vibrational Therapy and prepares you for Soul retrieval and transformation, 5D Ascension and the big one Light Body/Breath Body activations through involuntary and spontaneous Breath Work.


In regards to making a booking for Level Six Energy Healing sessions:

Energy Healing sessions are available for those with prior experience in Energy Therapy or for health practitioners only. A Level Five Ascension Coaching Consultation is a pre-requisite for those who’ve never had their frequency adjusted previously. To better protect my own energy and to avoid sessions beginning remotely in the days prior I’ll no longer be taking bookings for Energy Healing sessions more than 12 hours in advance. If you’d like to access frequency to assist you on your healing journey please text me after 8am with a brief description of what you require for that day and I’ll be in contact by 9am and let you know if I’m available. To maintain my own health and well-being I only work part time.

Please be aware that for Energy Healing sessions there’s a 4-day healing window post session. In this period you can feel fine, emotionally unwell or physically sick depending on the layers that have been released and your body adjusting to the new higher frequency. This is what we call a Healing-crisis and is a time to take it easy on your body and to stay away from devices and electricity to avoid nausea during the healing phase. If you don’t want your life to change I would suggest not doing Energy Healing sessions. Please book accordingly.

Exchange of service to please be paid with cash, credit card, direct deposit or trade.