Introducing our new vibrational therapy packages

with options for both Australian and overseas customers


Option 1 – World-wide US$50 includes postage

-2 x 25ml Australian Bush Flower Essence

– 100ml essential oil spray

For both house clearing and auric frequency protection.

This will give you two months worth of healing

with the combinations of your choice from the list below.



Option 2 – Australia only

1 month Energy Protection package for AUD$29 plus $10 shipping

This collection offers everything you need for one month of energy clearing.

Includes palo Santo with 100ml essential oil spray for both house clearing

and auric frequency protection.


Option 3

Give the gift of healing.

Wanting to buy a second pack as a gift?

Purchase 2 packs for AUD$50 and shipping remains at  just $10.




Option 4


for treatment of VIBRATIONAL THERAPY

1 x 25ML – 4 week – Australian Bush Flower Essence

@ $19- With a flat rate shipping fee of $10 within Australia.


Option 5

Want more than one combination essence?

Buy a pack of 3 x 25ml for AUD$50 and just $10 shipping.


TO ORDER – Whatever you’d like to manifest is on this page. It’s easily within reach, life changing and a very affordable cost to everyone. My start began 12 years ago with this toolkit, allowing access to both spiritual enlightenment and the financial abundance of 5D. Please choose your remedy from the 17 combination essences in the list below. If in Australia, text message the name of your chosen remedy and postal address to 0418713805 and make payment via PayPal, EFTPOS or direct deposit. If outside Australia please text message your chosen remedy to +61418713805 and confirm your postal address. Please allow standard delivery times for International post.

If you’d prefer direct deposit, my business account details can be found by clicking on the words BOOKING INSTRUCTIONS on the link below. Expect changes and new beginnings!


Prefer a custom made bush flower remedy for an issue that’s not described on the list below?  We can design a treatment specific to any of the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual challenges playing out in your life today eg fear/depression/self-worth. In this case, choose the $39 consult-with-essence option instead for counselling, guidance & direction.


Booking Instructions



ABUNDANCE – This essence aids in releasing negative beliefs, family patterns, sabotage, and fear of lack. In so doing it allows you to be open to fully receiving great riches on all levels, not just financial ones


ADOLESCENT – This addresses the major issues teenagers commonly experience. It enhances acceptance of self, communication, maturity, harmony in relationships, optimism, emotional stability and social skills.


ANXIETY & STRESS MANAGMENT – This is our most popular option and fairly self explanatory


ASCENSION – This blend helps support the soul through the layers of Ascension particularly working on protection during astral, dimensional travel. It helps with releasing and healing and works on faith in the guidance from the Divine.


COGNITIVE – This powerful combination of essences is unsurpassed for bringing about mental clarity, recall and focus. It enhances all learning skills and abilities.


CONFIDENCE – This combination brings out our true inherent positive qualities of self-esteem and confidence. It allows us to feel comfortable around other people and resolves negative subconscious beliefs we may hold about ourselves, as well as any guilt we may harbour from past actions. This combination also helps to take full responsibility for the situations and events that occur in our lives and realise that we have the ability and power not only to change events, but also to create those that we want.


DETOX – This combination is for cleansing and detoxifying the body. It works to release heavy metals, especially lead, from the tissues in the body where they are stored, and it will also help to mobilise chemical toxins and poisons. It also helps to stimulate the body’s  major eliminative channels- namely the colon, lymphatic system, liver and kidneys- so that once released, the heavy metals and other toxins can be effectively eliminated and flushed out of the body. 


DIVINE FEMININE – This combination is made from the essences that harmonise any imbalance a woman may experience from her first menstruation through to, and after menopause, so it addresses such problems as period, pain, premenstrual symptoms (PMS), infertility, irregular menstruation, Candida, hot flushes, as well as offering a safe and effective alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It allows a woman to discover and feel good about her own body and beauty.


DYNAMIC – This combination brings about abundant energy, vitality, enthusiasm and joy for life. This is achieved by balancing and stimulating the major glands associated with energy, the thyroid and the adrenals. Also, this essence balances the organs and muscles for temporary loss of drive, enthusiasm and vitality. 


EMERGENCY – This should be thought of for any physical or emotional upset. It has a calming affect on the mind, body and emotions during minor and major crisis. It will quickly ease fear, panic, severe mental or physical stress or nervous tension and pain. If a person needs specialised medical help, this essence will provide comfort until treatment is available. The wide variety of uses for this combination range from pre-examination nerves to gross physical injury. You can administer this remedy every 10 to 15 minutes, if necessary, until the person feels better. It can also be mixed into a cream.


HEARTSONG – This combination frees your voice, improving tone, timbre and melody, and opens your heart. It inspires creative and emotional expression in a gentle and calm way and gives courage and clarity in public speaking and singing while, at the same time, correcting any blocks in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) so that you can open your mouth wide.


MEDITATION – This is a wonderful combination to awaken one’s spirituality. It allows one to go deeper into any religious or spiritual practice. It also enhances access to the Higher Self while providing psychic protection and healing of the aura. This is highly recommended for anyone practising meditation.


RADIATION – This combination can be used to negate or reduce earth radiation, found where lay lines cross, or in houses under which underground streams run, electrical radiation emitted by meter boxes, overhead powerlines, fluorescent lights and electrical equipment, especially televisions, solar radiation, such as bad sunburn and radiation therapy used to treat cancer. With radiation therapy, this helps the normal healthy cells withstand the radiation and recover after therapy. It would also be useful against nuclear radiation. In all these situations, the combination stops the storage of radiation in the body and helps to omit the radiation already stored, and to keep the bodies energies intact and the neurological systems functioning normally.


RELATIONSHIP – The essences in this blend help to enhance the quality of all relationships, especially intimate ones. It clears and releases resentment, blocked emotions and the confusion, emotional pain and turmoil of a rocky relationship. It helps one verbalise, express feelings and improve communication. This essence breaks the early family conditioning and patterns which affect us in our current adult relationships. For intimate relationships, a perfect remedy to follow this combination is sexuality essence. 


SEXUALITY – This combination is helpful for releasing shame and the effects of sexual abuse. It allows you to feel comfortable with and to fully accept your body. It enables you to be open to sensuality and touch and to enjoy, physical and emotional intimacy. Sexually essence renews passion and interest in relationships.


TRAVELLING – This combination is beneficial for the distress associated with all forms of travel, although it particular addresses the problems encounter with jet travel. It enables a person to arrive at their destination feeling balanced and ready to go.