Level 5 – Energy Medicine – $69 + $10 shipping

Wayshowers and Light Workers it’s getting HEAVY as those gateways are now getting blown wide open! The energy is faster with new light codes, DNA Activations, plasma energy and photonic light. Eclipses are shifting and changing. Learning to integrate all of these changes will teach us very quickly that we can no longer function like we did before.

The Level Five – Ascension Coaching Consultation is a part of our Energy Medicine selection. This session includes all of Level One, Two and Three for $69 and includes a 25ml one-month treatment with Vibrational Therapy to assist with Ascension symptoms. Shipping paid separately at a flat rate of $10. This session is designed to offer guidance for all of the more challenging parts of the Spiritual Ascension as our electrical circuitry becomes rewired allowing further expansion pf the heart and mind.

For those on the spiritual journey you must now be noticing the magical spiritual phenomena and synchronicities that’ve ramped up with all this latest cosmic activity. We’re stepping into the highest version of ourselves and will assist what’s to come in the following years. Frequency will eventually be healing the illness of what they’ve done here on Earth. 

Now’s the time to fully understand dimensional travel as our consciousness and vibrational frequency has been upgraded and the channel has been switched to a better station. Our DNA re-writes and recodes have been literally changing our genetic makeup. Some will feel sensitivities begin to play a more dominant role in everyday life while others will have more profound shifts moving further into Quantum vibrational realms.

Each dimension and different timeline will bring alternative realities. Ego and narcissism throughout the collective hold centre stage in this current timeline as the world awakens in 3D. As we become more sensitive beings we’ll begin to pay attention to the spiritual phenomena like angel numbers and synchronicities creating changes in our everyday lives. As we let go of trauma our bodies heal and we release attachment to the things we attracted while still on a lower frequency. Certain relationships will no longer feel authentic and the people that were anchoring us into the lower fields fall away as we become lighter and more balanced with the choices we’ve made. 

When our health becomes challenged we begin to understand our body and adjust our diets accordingly. We begin to remove coffee, drugs, alcohol and eventually sugar as we release all addictions and attachments. With a clean pure body we now start to feel the environment and we become sensitive to electricity, EMF, chemicals and anything toxic. As our senses intensify we begin to feel depth and its normal to spend years thinking that it’s us before gaining a deeper understanding of the environment we live. As we become lighter and less toxic the mind clears and the survival patterns fall away, the obsessive worry reduces and we can hear ourselves for the first time as we clear programs deep within our DNA to no longer call forth those realities. Experience becomes our teacher as we clear the generational lineage and patterns of unconscious programming.

Healers, Twin Flame lovers and Light Workers are all currently shifting the vibrational frequency of Earth and purging this mass awakening with each eclipse and new moon that rolls through. To move towards these higher timelines we need to shift our brain to a higher consciousness and open the heart to move into a higher vibrational frequency. Those relational brain dynamics that are firmly in their hearts will lead the way through the 5D Ascension. 

Akashic clearing will bring emotional outbursts of atomic activations bringing downloads of new codes. The reality is the Schuman resonance has now hit extreme and we’re facing radioactivity activating inside each person with cosmic rays that are off the charts right now on a daily basis….going straight to the cells holding our old programs. We’re learning to experience Dimensional travel as DNA activations increase. New Earth is young and vibrant and the old paradigms and systems will eventually come crashing down!

As this takes place the photonic light makes your body go weak so that your cellular structure can break down. This targets the immune system breaking down the defence. We’re no longer living in normal times. After the physical body Ascension your Merkaba will collapse and restructure into a Stargate System. This requires integration and the process is not easy on the mind as we often want to control the understanding of this process which doesn’t always happen in real time. We need to rebuild and integrate these new codes as so much was anchoring us into our old way of thinking and negative patterns of behaviour.

For those around the globe that took part in the Covid injections probiotics are now essential to rebalance the gut microbiome. With new emerging scientific data the evidence is mounting. Without an innate immune system the new synthetic program will find it far more difficult to conquer the common cold than before. All-cause mortality and sudden death in young people are now rising to an alarming rate. The animal trials showed a very clear picture of the health of the ferrets after injection for Sars-Cov-2. These studies can and should be viewed through PubMed government sites.

By clearing our physical and mental health issues we start to become lighter and Ascend into the new higher Dimensions as there’s not as much anchoring us into the lower fields anymore, we go up and we go high. Our changes attract a new vibration which then attracts a new quality of relationship into our lives. Angels appear in the form of Walk-ins and healers. The unknown can be an uncomfortable place as we sit in the emptiness of the new. We need to harmonize this new frequency and clear the distortion as we shift into the new. There’ll be times when you physically can’t function and that’s OK. You’ll struggle and suffer through that if you’re not okay with that reality. Embrace the changes, it’s time for an Upgrade.

Moving deeper into 5D consciousness is the most profound experience of your life that requires a strong mind, body, soul and character. One that’s been conditioned to withstand the enormity of what the linear brain and emotion has had to endure, deprogram and then reprogram, to finally be free. Life is completely turned upside down yet again as we navigate through this confronting and uncomfortable stage. The heightened state of awareness makes it difficult to focus on employment as we begin to walk through this new way of being. Basically we’re high as a kite as we adjust to seeing so far beyond the veil. 

Frontal lobe cortex is challenged and focal seizures may increase as the inter-dimensional travel fluctuates into rapidly changing frequency. There’s extra pressure on the heart as we go to such a height. That being said it’s still the most intense transformation that we come to Earth for and we’re never given more than we can handle. The Ascension journey is tough and we make a lot of sacrifices along the way as we shed generational trauma of family lineage and move further towards the light. You’ll never realise how far you’ve come until something throws you back to the density of 3D. Trying to breathe through all that chaos and stress again creates physical illness that seemed to have fallen away in the high 4D as we became closer to the Light Body and Crystalline grid.

As we spend longer in 5D we realise the information field is infinite and downloads become regular. While in fifth our widespread telepathy activates our energetic connections. We note judgment is the challenge and we learn to move more gracefully back and forward between 3D, 4D and back to 5D. We protect our frequency through detachment, boundaries, self-worth and learn conditional love to honour ourselves as we now know our worth. The frequency is pure energy and the soul consciousness moves towards a 5D Union after the struggle of all struggles. You’ll never regret the awakening.