Chakra and Meridian Balances

Chakra’s and meridians are energy paths that lead to key organs such as the liver. When an energetic blockage is exposed we’ll investigate the body further to find the safest and most appropriate way to clear it. In this instance colour and crystal therapy with a meridian rebalance would usually be the tools of choice.


It’s common for people to carry negative energy through life without even being aware of it. To counteract any darkness or negative vibes I depend on White Sage, Palo Santo and Essential oils for clearing negative energies.

Bush Flower Essences

For more of an emotional cleanse I’d use Bush Flower Essences and Essential oils to raise emotional vibration and at times counselling is required to clear any distress. Personalised diet and nutritional changes are often touched upon if relevant.

Vibrational Therapy

For those presenting with low vibration, which is almost everyone living in today’s toxic world,  I’d lift your Hz by using sound therapy with a native Indian drumming technique or use sound bowls to bring balance. A healthy human body vibrates between 62-72Hz. For those on an Ascension journey as we move further along dis-ease creeps in when our physical body is put under extreme pressure and that frequency begins to drop. Colds we never had may suddenly begin to appear. At 57-60Hz colds and flu will develop. If our body continues to reduce in frequency 55Hz will bring things such as Candida and at 52Hz Epstein Barr virus. If you hit 42Hz your body will begin to develop cancer and death is at 25Hz. The standard health care system in place today doesn’t look at the body holistically therefor this crucial healing practice remains largely unknown and the need for vibration is being completely ignored.

It’s my goal to educate you on all levels so that you have access to the truth and the tools available to manage your own health, to take responsibility for how you want to live your life. I’ll work with you continuously to help you to achieve your goals. Once committed to a new awareness you’ll find yourself more at ease dealing with the things that once seemed more challenging emotionally, mentally and of course physically. After completing your first treatment you may be advised on specific lifestyle changes that your body would benefit from. It could be suggested anti-stress activities such as yoga, meditation or simply more fun or sleep. These will all work to complement the positive changes that have taken place during your session and to hold the effects longer.

Be aware that there’s a four day window post-session where your body’s adjusting to the new higher frequency. During this period you need to take it easy and stay away from alcohol, power sources or technology and stressful situations. For specific conditions as time passes you may find yourself needing a second follow up appointment once in a while if you re-engage in stressful activities. For those with more chronic conditions you should notice some changes immediately after one session however it will usually be suggested that three sessions are needed to obtain optimum results. You’ll find every session can be different from the last as you heal layer by layer until you’re satisfied that you feel balanced and content with all aspects of life. 

Mental imbalances & Emotional imbalances

Quite often our physical problems can manifest through unresolved emotional and mental imbalances. We all experience mental stress in life and some of us are more emotional than others. Yet what we’re not all aware of is that our thought processes will affect everything that happens to us. Our sessions are designed to work with the mind to identify where blockages may occur and where emotion requires release. Restoring mental and emotional balance is equally important and can aid in current and post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia, depression, fears, addictions and anything representing a trigger for emotional or mental distress. Counselling sessions are also available online for those without access to our Gold Coast location.

Physical imbalances

We don’t always get ill suddenly. Low energy and stress are often the cause of unresolved problems and chronic pain, in turn this can affect the movement of muscles. Lymphatic fluid is what feeds muscles as they work and that relies on movement to stimulate its flow. To show the importance of the lymphatic system we have three times more lymph in our body than blood. So without this flow muscle function will be limited. 

Energy imbalances

The human body is made up of both Chakra’s and Meridians which form our energy centres. There’s 12 meridians in total all linked to certain organs yet running on a different type of energy. The energy system is like an underground highway that no-one pays attention to. Stress management is different for every person and when we struggle to manage our stress levels our energy levels are affected which reduces the body’s ability to heal and recover. When we reach the stage of energy depletion disease may occur. When the body is in a state of disease we can readjust and eliminate this energy imbalance by specially designed treatments. The more out of whack you are the better the results will be. I can’t do much for a completely balanced person. Occasionally people that I know well and thought were fairly balanced have had the most extreme physical symptoms despite presenting cool, calm and collected. These people may be facing Ascension symptoms so it’s hard to say what’s going on for someone as there’s so many aspects of the body requiring balance.

Chemical imbalances

How we function chemically is determined not only by the pollutants and chemicals we’re exposed to but the water we drink, the air we breathe and the foods we eat. You’ve only got to look up to know that it’s in everything now. Good nutrition is essential to how our body works. Our daily meals can either deplete us of energy, enhance our energy or have no benefit to us at all. Society has grown accustomed to eating for personal preference without taking into consideration that 50% of problems stem from what our diet consists of. The importance of gut health can’t be emphasised enough with evidence now showing its strong connection to brain-gut-health and the gut houses 70% of the immune system. This is what makes probiotics essential to a healthy gut environment. Through Kinesiology-based muscle testing we can determine what foods are suitable for your particular body and what causes stress to digest. This can easily indicate deficiencies and show chemical and hormone imbalances.