As the world moves a little closer towards Antibody Dependant Enhancement (ADE) my journey for this time began 25 years in advance. 

1999 was the year and as a young and free 20 year old I was setting off to travel the world alone. My flights would take me to all continents so they told me I needed loads of vaccines to protect myself from all the nasty bacteria that this world had to offer. So in the month before departure I did what I was told and took every travel vaccine on the market. On top of that I was told that I’d need boosters too so they loaded me up with those as well. They also said I’d require Doxycycline for the Malaria so in the weeks before leaving I took everything they advised.

The holiday came and went, a once in a lifetime opportunity to pick up sacred codes from all over this planet. It was magical, extremely challenging and life changing for many reasons. For four months I gathered experiences that would last me til the end of my time. I returned a completely different person and decided to settle permanently in Bali, my childhood home away from home.

Within six months of leaving Australia I would develop Epilepsy.

I’ll never know what changed my anatomy and physiology from that of a healthy strong adolescent passionate about Martial Arts and Surf Lifesaving but something in that six month period was enough to flick the switch. My circuitry had changed and I was never the same again. 

There are more and more people around the world living my story today. Something has triggered their system and their immune system has now been shattered. They may or may not be able to connect the dots to find the cause and most likely will spend a lifetime wondering what went wrong, that was my experience anyway. For the next several years I began having Grand Mal seizures and returned to Australia regularly for investigation. As I settled in Indonesia and married a Balinese I attempted to maintain the condition with medication.

When the first Bali Bomb exploded in 2002 in the same spot I’d parked my motorbike ten minutes prior outside of Paddy’s Pub we knew that life was again about to severely change for us all. Bali turned into a ghost town and being pregnant with my first child we relocated back to Australia. It appeared that the anticonvulsant medication was helping to maintain the Grand Mal seizures and I got on with life as best I could. My brain fog however was severe enough to gaslight myself into confusion. I must be imagining things I kept telling myself. 

My marriage ended after seven years in Australia and my ex-husband returned to Indonesia. This began My Ascension. I started my transformation out of the Third Dimension of consciousness around 2010. As a result my body started to flare up and I spent the next 4 years dealing with health challenge after health challenge, everything you could think of. For a long time I thought I was sick before understanding the real process of Ascension symptoms.

It began with anxiety and after going through what I’d gone through with my Epilepsy it didn’t seem so difficult in comparison. Then came the TMJ Dysfunction where the stress had put so much pressure on my jaw that the joints had slightly popped out of alignment and after a large yawn one day my jaw was left out of place. I struggled to find the right help. Orthodontists told me “there’s nothing you can do, it will just realign itself usually within a decade.” GREAT advice…. 

The following year I would fail a Pap Smear after my boyfriend at the time shared the common sexual virus HPV with me. This caused considerable amount of stress as I was not completely awake at this time and had no experience in the medical industry. All I could do was trust the Doctors. “Trust the Doctors” they say. They insisted I take all 3 Gardasil vaccines which are documented as one of the most dangerous medical products on today’s market. My immune health took an immediate dip and after a year passed I was still unable to fight off the virus. Nothing I was doing was working at this time. 

Fortunately, as fate would have it, I was working in a healing centre making herbal medicine for infertility so I was around some very knowledgeable naturopaths. Finally someone seemed to have some answers.

They looked at my blood results that my GP must’ve overlooked and found my body at one period or another had picked up CMV, EBV and along with that they told me I was also malnourished. My iron ferritin was so low that I had anaemia which explained my chronic fatigue and why I was falling asleep in the afternoons despite the GP saying “your iron is fine.”

General Practitioners still seem to think that the pathology collected data range next to the blood marker reading is actually the ideal range for what the body needs instead of the average reading of sick customers checking their bloodwork.

 The Naturopath said “I’m surprised you’re still walking.” With that they loaded me up with herbal remedies and I began my recovery. It didn’t resolve immediately because as I mentioned earlier I was in an Ascension period so I was transitioning into the Fourth Dimension of consciousness, the spiritual/Astral plane. 

The issues were ongoing and the anxiety persisted. In 2012 I ended up leaving my job in the healing centre as my nervous system could no longer cope. I was so challenged during this period that I spent a year in solitude at home, almost in complete silence throughout the transition. 

Even the television irritated my brain which felt like it was completely falling apart because it was. Within a few months my entire nervous system crashed and the nervous breakdown began. The rebuild was inevitable and divinely orchestrated for what was to come.

My anxiety had escalated to such a degree that the GP recommended I take anti-depressants. “But I’m not depressed” I said, “I’m joyful but just struggling with whatever is happening to me!” I stuck to my guns and my intuition told me there was a better way. Before leaving the Healing Centre one of the naturopaths had said to me “I think Kinesiology would be good for you”, I’d never heard of it but after a few months I looked into it and I was being guided towards my answer. 

At this stage I still had TMJ Dysfunction, OCD from childhood, onset of cervical cancer, still slightly malnourished, epic anxiety, a broken heart from a man I’d had to release during this period and my muscular system had completely locked up after jarring my neck six months earlier. I needed an Angel to walk into my life and change the direction and that’s exactly what happened. As many will have a “before Covid” and “after Covid” point in their life this was mine back in 2013. Layer by layer, session by session my Kinesiologist finally put me back together again. After bumping around and around in the useless health system I’d found someone with results, better still she understood. 

She understood it all and had a solution for everything. I spent years with her, in a simple and gentle form, 51 sessions in total, until I was completely through my transition and well into the Fourth Dimension. The health problems began to subside as I’d also started yoga so the Breath Work was teaching me how to release all the trauma of shallow breathing. Like the caterpillar becoming the butterfly I was healing from lifetimes of trauma of an old Soul.

I’d spend the next few years studying with this lady who was gracious enough to transfer her knowledge, skills, wisdom and frequency to a small group of soul family. It became my passion to do to others what she had done for me. The brain fog that I had in the weeks leading up to our meeting leaves me in no doubt that if I hadn’t walked into this woman’s life when I did I’d most certainly have ended up in a mental ward. The SPECT scan of my brain at the time was so deteriorated my GP said it looked like his dementia patients. My brain was so toxic due to an overload of stress that it was every combination that was needed to completely break down the body to build it anew. The rebirthing era was here.

I’d spent the next eight years mastering my skills as I Ascended further towards the Fifth Dimension with my Twin Flame love by my side. With the density of the karmic Third Dimension well behind me we were living blissfully in the higher realm of 4D where for years I learnt the journey inside out by being gifted experiences beyond my imagination. Two years ago in 2021 I broke into my Light Body for the first time when I got thrown into involuntary and spontaneous breath work to be able to handle the higher Dimension. Initially this lasted for four days solid before later taking a full year to integrate the changes to become my permanent breath and state of consciousness. 

I’m extremely passionate about the Ascension journey and now available for consultation to assist others throughout any stage of their own Ascension process. As I work remotely I aim to keep charges to the client as low as possible because more than anyone I know the struggle of health and the impact that the financial slavery system has on the development of Soul Growth.