Level Four – Health & Well-being – $69 + $10 shipping

Do you have a parasitic infection and your GP has told you it’s all in your head? Or more so, have you had an ongoing infection and present to your GP offering more information than what they actually understand themselves? This I’m finding is a common problem. Parasites and Candida can cause all kinds of health related issues yet they don’t seem to be taken very seriously in mainstream medicine. Included as part of the Level Four – Health & Well-being assessment this 30 minute Parasites & Candida consultation via phone call includes a 25ml one month treatment bottle for Vibrational Therapy for $69. Shipping paid separately at a flat rate of $10.

Humans tend to live with parasites and often they can go undetected for an incredibly long time. Eventually the infection becomes an overgrowth and is blown out of control forcing attention. This usually happens in the later Fourth Dimension when all the dense heavier issues have been cleared from the body. As we move closer to 5D Candida will begin to make itself known which is designed to help us adjust our diet accordingly and cut out all sugar, gluten and wheat. There’s several ways we tackle parasites. Firstly I would test the body with Kinesiology-based Muscle Testing to find out if your body indicates a parasitic stress. To combat the stress we would focus on balancing the immune system and inspecting your diet. Probiotics are essential for good gut health. For those who took part in the mRNA Covid jabs new science shows that the damage to the microbiome has been extensive and killed off all the good gut bugs. It’s essential for those to begin replacing their bacteria species to have the capacity to fight infections.

Sugar is a key player in feeding parasites. Take intestinal worms for example, when treating this condition one form of medications available today works by blocking the sugar absorption they need to survive killing them within days. Anyone trying to beat parasites or candida needs to be thinking about a heavy metal detox and concentrating extremely hard on their diet. Focusing on foods that will fight candida and parasites instead of feed them.

Carbohydrates are not compatible for the body in the higher Dimensions. Candida in particular comes to our attention during healing and Ascension work. This comes through by healing layers until we finally reach a frequency that can no longer tolerate sugar and I mean all forms of sugar. Sadly it’s been 8 years now since I could tolerate even fruit without losing the frequency. Candida teaches us to remove sugar and carbs from the diet, it’s a complete change of lifestyle which happens fairly organically. The diet needs to be controlled giving the immune system a chance to rise up and fight off fungal and parasitic imbalances.