Mastering the complexity associated with Twin Flame relationships is covered in the Level Five – Ascension Coaching Consultation which is a part of our Energy Medicine selection. For $69 this session also includes a 25ml one-month treatment with Vibrational Therapy to assist with Ascension symptoms or emotional despair. Shipping paid separately at a flat rate of $10.

When we reach 5D we may or may not have already activated our Third-eye pineal gland light activations. Without attachment we welcome our new and very cool predominantly Indigo but Chakra coloured Third-eye space. We find that there’s an infinite source of energy on the other side which is hard to comprehend while still clearing the body of the emotional despair and the fatigue of 4D. We can’t believe the new energy. This transition is not gifted to us easily, and we have to earn it with great diligence, sacrifice and detachment. Letting go of a love so deep for the growth of the soul is something both Twins have come to understand. As we travel higher into the frequency of love and light towards 5D our physical body becomes lighter, healthier and more energetic as the constant worry and dis-ease falls away. The cycle is broken and we shift out of survival mode.

The breakdown in this type of relationship is the lack of understanding of each other and the struggle to communicate openly with pure vulnerability. Breaking down the wall may or may not be accomplished as destiny takes control. The regular separation periods are a time for deep healing and growth for each side of the relationship as the soul levels up repeatedly. When the Ascended Twin works it all out they’ll be faced with addressing self-worth, boundaries and detachment for the growth of the soul.

Moving between dimensions is hard work and exhausting, but eventually the equilibrium is adjusted and the experience becomes second nature. When the Ascended Twin breaks the shared energy and commits to their own Ascension into 5D, their other half is then left in one way or another to hold their own energy. As this has been carried for some time by the more spiritually developed Twin (sometimes to the point of exhaustion) the adjusting period for both is difficult. Enter Breath Working.

Breath working is essential for both Ascension into 4D and 5D. As breath work was not so available back in the day, the original Wayshowers and Lightworkers suffered terribly with severe osteopathic fatigue. Yoga was the saviour. Breath work into 5D and beyond becomes essential as this becomes your new daily breath and if  you can’t maintain the breath, you can’t hold the frequency of the higher consciousness. When you can’t hold the consciousness downloads from source decrease. Silence and solitude becomes the new daily routine. Connection of Twin becomes harder to hold as mission work finally takes priority for the Ascended chasing Twin loyally committed to their other half.

The power of Separation. Each Twin has done so much work on self throughout the separation that it’s never very long before the soul again calls out for reconciliation. The telepathy is intense and the energetic connection deep. Upon reconnection, the energy again fuses which is a shock to the Ascended Twin now operating from a silent space of 5D as they’re immediately pulled out of the 5D breath and into the frequency of 4th through the exchange of solar plexus energy which is where the energy leaves the body and transfers to their other half. Now that they have the understanding along with the experience protecting their energy supply has become priority. Their personal mission and their life’s purpose has long been put on hold to guide the Ascension of their love. Their new boundaries are now solid and they prioritise themselves.

Not long after reconciliation both Twins exhausted from entering into the new dimensional realm fall back into the old energy of their other half as they take a rest and lose the progress made. This is where the conflict comes into effect when the Ascended Twin recognizes that their partner struggles to hold their own energy once back in their presence. It’s not long until old behaviour patterns begin to creep back in with the exhaustion of sharing energy.

The longer the journey the more obvious the incompatibility becomes when the vibrational frequency becomes so out of alignment that it weakens the spiritual connection between the pair. Like a car radio going out of service, the spiritual connection becomes stagnant likely ending in more heartache. This is when the body might start to play up in an attempt for you to pay attention to the situation. Once the Ascended Twin has enough experience they’ll begin to instigate a change in their lives and break away from the cycle of repeat. The more distance that comes between the pair the more the energetic connection will weaken and increase independent dimensional travel throughout the frequencies. This will likely increase the trance/seizures as new programs come in for new dimensions. Any attempt to destroy the connection will be felt heavily between the pair in different ways.

With childhood trauma healed deeper into the Fourth Dimension, 5D consciousness is now approaching which has the ability to rock their world as they know it. Breaking into 5D Light Body requires Breath Work training and a deeper understanding of what’s happening throughout the transition. Holding the frequency of the 5D breath can take around a year to integrate the changes until the body relaxes and it finally begins to feel comfortable. Initially there’s much fear as you break into a new space of permanent consciousness. It really does turn your life upside down, particularly your anatomy and physiology in the same way it did when you transitioned from 3D to 4D. Employment again becomes challenging for long durations while navigating this phase.

There will be much miscommunication between the couple with one beginning to understand the journey fully while the other is only just awakening through their experience thanks to all the intervals of separation. With each reunion it’s easy to see the growth and deep changes between the pair. If the love is still strong between both, the fate of the relationship will ultimately be up to the running Twin when it becomes adamant that there’s no more chase left in their other half and surrender becomes their only option.