Mastering the complexity associated with Twin Flame relationships is covered in the Level Five – Ascension Coaching Consultation which is a part of our Energy Medicine selection. For $69 this session also includes a 25ml one-month treatment with Vibrational Therapy to assist with Ascension symptoms or emotional despair. Shipping paid separately at a flat rate of $10.

Twin Flames are built strong and it can take a lifetime to understand Spiritual Epilepsy in the modern day world of medicine. The seizures could begin early in life in the Third Dimension in the form of grand mal epilepsy and begin to shape your spiritual life by showing you what your body can no longer tolerate. It would confuse a neurologist who would find that the anatomy of your brain is doing just fine. Given the limit of their teachings they could only ever send you down the path of medication with anticonvulsants. Medicated for a spiritual connection. This is unlikely to solve the problem but could give reassurance for reducing the grand mal seizures disrupting life as it was known.

The spiritual phenomenon now begins with more random yet milder aural projections that begin few and far between. It would feel euphoric yet confusing as it attempts to break through into your higher consciousness, you’d put it down to your imagination, initially. Within a decade they’d increase in nature occurring more frequently, beginning to get your attention. For example when you get a cold/flu and the Hertz of your body drops back down into the lower dimensions, it weakens the connection, causing a ‘focal seizure’ in the frontal cortex. Some refer to this as a trance.

A normal human body vibrates around 60-70Hz and when you begin to vibrate higher than this you begin travelling into a higher dimension of consciousness. This is called your ‘Vibrational Frequency.’ When you keep your Vibrational Frequency high you don’t get colds and flu. You’d have to fall right back down to 3D for your body to experience that kind of sickness which is rare for Twin Flames, especially the Ascended Twin who likely grew up without immune system illness. If channelling seizures are a part of your Twin Flame journey they’ll really become known closer to the time that you become ready to call in your divine match. 

This will come after a gruelling ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ that could possibly have spanned a decade or more. It will come when your karma is clear, your trauma layers healed and your heart is now prepped for unconditional love, possibly for the first time in life. Until this moment, you’ve never completely understood why every prior relationship would never keep your interest. Upon meeting your Twin soul you’ll immediately know that the search is over. This is where the real learning begins, and the heartache of all heartache.

The Ascended Twin should by now have learnt to sacrifice the things that are no longer serving. This would most likely be things like coffee initially, drugs, alcohol, and particularly sugar which interferes with the higher frequency. This awakening happens almost organically with a deep knowing without really knowing. Intuition has developed to the highest level and it’s not uncommon for the seizures/trance to really kick in as you struggle to hold the frequency of your incoming Twin. 

To reach this stage there’s usually a higher power who’s intervened to hold your energy throughout, and assist with grounding the awakening throughout the shift from 3D, 4D and into the Fifth Dimension. This is usually an Energy Healer, Reiki practitioner, Kinesiologist, holistic therapist, Walk-in or someone who has the skills to share their energy and their understanding for your Ascension from 3D into the 4D and beyond.