Mastering the complexity associated with Twin Flame relationships is covered in the Level Five – Ascension Coaching Consultation which is a part of our Energy Medicine selection. For $69 this session also includes a 25ml one-month treatment with Vibrational Therapy to assist with Ascension symptoms or emotional despair. Shipping paid separately at a flat rate of $10.

A Twin Flame is a Divine connection that allows us to explore the spiritual world like no other. It’s a very rare and sacred journey shared between two who incarnated from the same specs of creation. This gives new meaning to the saying…. ‘My other half’.

It’s the polarity of the same energy falling into two bodies presenting as a mirror of similarity yet could not have more opposing perspectives. This is due to the fact that opposites really do attract with one Twin likely being a brain dynamic and the other relational. During this Union you’ll find God by first finding yourself by swimming deeply through the generations of trauma you’ve both carried through into this current lifetime on Earth.

The reason why the Twin Flame connection never seems to work: Fatigue. When you’re a couple sharing the same energy source it can get complicated. The push, pull, run, chase becomes unbearable. Twin Flames are not soul mates, soul mates are smooth sailing. These enter when karma has been cleared, the soul’s life lessons have been learnt or contracts have been completed. Twin souls are like nothing you’ve ever encountered before. They heal you, teach you and grow you like no other relationship ever could. It’s a bitter-sweet Union that always keeps you guessing yet somehow coming back for more. Coming back for more purging of the pain. It challenges your ability to think outside the box, it’s pure consciousness, forever evolving when given what it needs.

Twins have trauma, layers and layers and layers of it. Everyone on planet Earth has known and unknown trauma blockage but Twins especially. They incarnate with an enormous amount of family lineage which finally leads them to understanding trauma patterns. Once complete, they then embark on the challenge of clearing the trauma associated from a confusing and addictive relationship, an unheard of connection containing deep love which feels like mistreatment and non-stop triggers. Whether they reach Union or if they burn out early throughout the fatigue and lack of self-understanding will be determined by the depth of their Twin love for each other and self. The secret to this success is communication.

The Divine feminine is more likely than not to be the Ascended Twin who begins the spiritual journey and initiates the first meet when she’s almost breaking into the Fifth Dimension of consciousness. Her energy will present as pure love and light and capture the attention of her Divine Masculine. It will be a romance like no other, until it’s not, which shifts after the first year together, the main reason being, fatigue.

Unbeknown to both couple, they’ve already began dimensional travel and their anatomy and physiology is changing rapidly. In rare cases, the connection between the two is held in the Ascended Twins third eye and frontal lobe epilepsy can for some be an effect. This can originate at least 15 years prior to their meeting in the Fourth Dimension and becomes a means of programming and communication when trauma blockage will eventually present back in both 3D and 4D. Changing between Dimensions can and does cause seizures of different kind.

If you’re entering a Twin Flame relationship prepare to be consistently BLOCKED by your loved one. This is usually a coping mechanism when the connection becomes all too overwhelming and parting ways comes in as an option. When your energy is together in 5D, you can feel each other energetically, there is no blockage, only in the 3D and 4D space which unfortunately is where you will both be spending most of your physical time together. Blocking is a sign of lingering trauma and a refusal to recognize and surrender to the experience.

The most common side effect of the Twin Flame connection is chronic fatigue and will be a constant challenge for both throughout their lifetime. Due to this pressure, break-up will be very common for those on this journey. Each separation is a time to grow spiritually, to balance out and to hold their own new energy throughout the incline. The usual problems that arise for the Ascended Twin is a lack of receipt and an imbalance of giving and receiving. This includes a lack of connection from their other half, recognition, understanding and appreciation for the sacrifices and the energy needed for deep Ascension work. It’s a tough role to show the way, understand the process and then pull the soul through the higher dimensions. 

The triggers for the less spiritually awakened Twin is resentment of blame which intensifies their feelings of self-doubt, confusion and lack of confidence. They often feel pressured to catch up faster than they’re ready to Ascend. Ego creates a wall at the realization that they too have lost their own power within the journey of this relationship.

The chronic fatigue is due to two challenging issues. The Twins work together energetically to balance each other out draining their inner battery. They feel their other half and it messes with the mind. The learning Twin acts as an anchor to the Ascended Twin for if they were not in their life they would Ascend too high too quickly which at times can feel like heart attack and essentially leaving the Earth. Their Twin assists them to remain grounded. The transition from 3D into 4D is best done slowly to integrate the deep spiritual transformation. Without the training over a longer duration it becomes too much for the mind.

The fatigue is also present due to the fact that each Twin is travelling through the different dimensions subconsciously. As the Ascended Twin leads the way, it’s exhausting breaking into the higher spiritual realm and pulling through the energy of the other Twin who at times is kicking and screaming while digging in those heels for much needed rest. Learning to hold their own new higher frequency with the absence of their Twin support is exhausting. This eases significantly when breaking through into the Fifth Dimension which is no easy feat and will come when the Ascended Twin masters detachment and is left with no anchor.