Mastering the complexity associated with Twin Flame relationships is covered in the Level Five – Ascension Coaching Consultation which is a part of our Energy Medicine selection. For $69 this session also includes a 25ml one-month treatment with Vibrational Therapy to assist with Ascension symptoms or emotional despair. Shipping paid separately at a flat rate of $10.

As we Ascend from 3D into 4D we reach spiritual attunement at such a high level that our frequency is now energetically strong enough and healed enough to support the energy of our love and we call in our Twin Flame. The Twin Flame journey to completion leads you deep into the Fifth Dimension of consciousness. It’s the test of all tests. We don’t reach these levels before mastering our healing at an epic level. We stand in our own energy to face our truth and shed the ego that was built for soul protection. We reconnect with source and are no longer living in survival. We meet our spirit guides who show up to guide us the entire way. We have absolute faith in the process. 

When you meet your Twin Flame, it’s like you’re meeting yourself in the body of another person and it happens like a dream. The Twin in the higher dimension will be more spiritually advanced and initiate the teaching to share what they’ve learnt with their other half. The feeling of meeting your Twin Flame is absolutely miraculous. All it takes is just one look into each other’s eyes, and you naturally feel the sense of belonging, total recognition, it’s like your souls already know each other because they do. This was a soul contract from lifetimes past. The energy sparkles and you know something magic is occurring but only in hindsight do you understand so much more.

Twin Flames show up in our lives unexpectedly and completely change the course of our lives. No, we’re not talking about soul mates or kindred spirits and it’s not always romantic but deep attachment, an addiction of sorts. We’re talking about high-level spiritual energetic connections. A shared blueprint of soul contracts from conception. As your energies collide it’s like looking into a mirror for the very first time in your life. Your world turns upside down in a beautiful way as your mind, soul, and body are shaken deep into purpose. Our food choices change yet again to match our new vibrational frequency and as your souls become one that’s the true essence of the connection, one soul in 2 bodies. 

Your shared energy source rises to the surface and thus begins the challenge of all challenges. This fairy-tale romance doesn’t take long to hit the bumps. Triggers, triggers and more triggers forcing the Divine Masculine along with the Divine Feminine into deep healing and shadow work which always needs to be done in solitude. There’ll be separation after separation as you both level up and meet again once more as a new version of your being.

You soon realise that you’re so alike, and yet so different, two opposites completing each other. One owns the heart, while the other dominates the mind, with telepathy balancing the inner equilibrium. Your strengths are your Twin Flame’s weaknesses. Your weaknesses are their strengths. Just like Yin and Yang, both of you are opposites who balance each other out, but at the same time share the same core value, virtues and integrity. The physical connection so powerful it causes sparks in the energy field. Some perceptions see trauma bonds, others see a spiritual journey so deep and unique, the rarest of its kind. This kind of polarity makes it challenging to spend long periods of time together due to the intensity of the relationship. 

The early years are best not to be living together allowing space for this epic growth. On the higher frequency we begin to acknowledge the discomfort of sharing our bed with another, just one more example of how everything changes throughout the journey of awakening. Sleeping beside another makes it difficult to protect our own energy field as our information field integrates with those we love. This is more manageable however if both Twins are on the same vibrational frequency.

The Twin Flame journey begins like most first year relationship and presents like a fairy-tale romance. There’s no comparison. A love magic enough to endure the following years of in-depth mission training, deep healing and spiritual growth. The journey is difficult and complicated but real. Over time you’ll come to acknowledge that it’s completely different from anything prior and that no one understands you, teaches you, heals you and grows you like your Twin Flame. This is a love so unique that it will lead you deep into 5D. 

Experiencing the Fifth Dimension is not as blissful as it may sound. It’s taxing on our body as the anatomy & physiology changes to adapt to this new state of being. Integration can take a year to adapt. When we reach the elusive Fifth Dimension we don’t stay there continuously, not yet anyway, we travel between to strengthen our understanding and adaptation. As most of our systems and structures here on Earth are still energetically aligned to the Third Dimension it’s premature to live permanently in the Fifth Dimension while still trying to function in 3D and 4D as we know it. The Fourth Dimension has previously had a long process phase spanning a decade and it’s at the later stage where the comfort really begins. We perfect our values and virtues and master patience through unconditional love. The Fourth Dimension is pure magic.