At Energetic Health we offer combination therapies. These sessions include Vibrational Therapy, Counselling, Holistic Medicine, Ascension Coaching and Energy Healing sessions. This is detailed with clarity as Levels 1-6 on our Price page on the menu bar. 

Our therapeutic sessions are suitable for people of all ages, extremely safe and can bring relief to a wide range of conditions. Our goal is always to bring balance back to life. Treating the body with therapy as a whole increases the energy flow and by correcting any imbalances the body’s then brought back to a more natural state of health. 

All National work is available online or over the phone and if you’re in the Gold Coast region we offer Level Six Energy Healing to those who’ve had their frequency adjusted previously. This therapy works quickly and directly as an effective treatment, genuine safe and effective, no need for coercion. With this in mind we don’t heal anything, instead we focus on restoring the energy balance by supporting the client’s own healing process with the aim to improve health and well-being. When given the right tools the body knows exactly how to heal itself so essentially the client becomes their own practitioner.

A large part of our Level Six sessions revolve around Kinesiology-based Muscle Testing working together with anatomy & physiology on acupressure points, creating a crucial energy balance. This is safe to use at any time and won’t interact with any medications, giving an overall holistic look at mind, body, spirit, emotions and energy. Muscle testing doesn’t diagnose disease it investigates all types of stresses causing symptoms of dis-ease in the body’s organs. The results will pinpoint the actual location effected with stress and detect the underlying causes of health problems that by any other means are difficult to find. I don’t need to determine and label a condition, I just work on correcting the energy around the organ. 

Generally when I put my hands onto an organ that’s been under pressure for quite some time I can feel it shaking underneath the skin. The high frequency energy that channels through the palms of the hands is like jumper leads starting a car. If you were to place your palms together for a minute and then slowly move them in and out a centimetre you may be able to feel what I’m talking about, at least feel the heat it produces, this is energy transfer.

In an Energy Healing session we’re not just treating a symptom but working with the entire body as a whole to find out WHY you feel the way you do. There’s so many aspects of the body we aim to rebalance – emotional, physical, spiritual, electrical, mental and chemical. This could be the reason this type of treatment doesn’t fall into the normal medical model and is a target for modern medicine. How many other forms of health care can take all this into consideration at the same time with such results? 

The practitioner can then use these results by employing methods of acupressure on certain points of the anatomy to readjust the nervous system. By balancing the client’s energy system as a whole it allows them to cope better with situations and substances. In Reiki and Kinesiology concepts the human anatomy is so detailed it’s designed to function with balance. When everyday stress effects certain muscles they’ll weaken, upsetting the balance and displacing other muscles which then cause the others to weaken or over stimulate themselves to exhaustion.

How exactly do we rebalance? Every single body we treat is different resulting in different treatments for everyone. What works for some may not work for others, this requires investigation with Kinesiology-based Muscle Testing to determine the precise treatment your body is requesting. This may be simple Counselling to sooth the soul and bring clarity for peace of mind, it could be a Chakra or Meridian energy balance or simple nutritional changes to adapt to a new higher frequency. It may be the case that your body requires acupressure, emotional release techniques, colour therapy, sound therapy or Australian Bush Flower Essences to raise your vibration. 

To enhance the body’s natural healing ability we like to look at reducing tension, eliminate toxins and remove issues in advance before manifestation of full blown symptoms. In general we’re known to counteract stress while relaxing the mind, body and Soul. Medication free it’s a natural form of healthcare, the way of the future yet the way it used to be.